HAAN Resort & Golf

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Temple of Vietnamese Spiritual ancestor


Temple of the ancestors in District 9 – Artist Hoai Linh’s 16-year dedication The temple of meritorious artist Hoai Linh in District 9 was built on a scale of nearly 500 m2, the main hall is designed and sculpted with many details, painted with gold paint. The entire campus is covered with fresh, peaceful green. […]

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Đi nghỉ dưỡng resort có gì đáng để đi không?


Đi du lịch nghỉ dưỡng resort là một lựa chọn cho nhiều người với độ tuổi, sở thích khác nhau. Tôi cũng thường chọn đi nghỉ dưỡng resort 1-2 lần mỗi năm. Nó là một dạng du lịch đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe tinh thần và thể xác của bạn. Hãy check […]

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danh golf 6

Golf is very good for health


Every sport brings players certain health benefits, including golf. This aristocratic sport offers players many benefits in terms of both physical and mental golf practice that you did not expect! Golf reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease The movement of golf is a lot on the course including going back and forth between 18 holes […]

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Job recruitment information in March 2021


Job description:1. GOLF SALE STAFF Quantity: 01 person – Sales at the golf course – Graduated from College or higher majoring in Business / Marketing / Tourism / Banking / Hotel / Finance / Foreign Language / Economics. – Priority is given to candidates with 2 years of experience in golf and event organization or […]

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Best resort hotel


Resort hotel (English: Resort) is a type of tourist accommodation facility built in blocks or into a complex of villas, low-rise buildings and apartments. Best hotel Concept Resort hotel in English is called: Resort. A hotel is a tourist accommodation establishment built in blocks or into a complex of villas, low-rise buildings, and apartments, usually in areas with […]

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Benefits of playing golf


The benefit of playing golf can be  burning 1,564 calories because to complete a standard round, golfers will have to walk an average of 6 to 12km, doing 11,245 to 16,667 steps. Hiking is a heavy exercise, but when we play golf we don’t realize we can go that much. The UK’s leading cancer care […]

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